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The Cock and the Jewel

by Natee

An illustration to Aesop’s The Cock and the Jewel. Ink and gouache on Fabriano Medioevalis, 132 x 85 mm.

A Cock, scratching the ground for something to eat, turned up a Jewel that had by chance been dropped there. “Ho!” said he, “a fine thing you are, no doubt, and, had your owner found you, great would his joy have been. But for me, give me a single grain of corn before all the jewels in the world.”

Aesop’s Fables, translated by V.S. Vernon Jones (1912)

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Illustrator based in London, U.K. Fond of natural history, literary classics, mythology, fairy tales and folklore. Previous publishing clients include Walker Books, Candlewick Press, The Folio Society, Templar, Oxford University Press, and Random House.