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by Owen Weber

Therizinosaurus, (meaning “Scythe lizard”) lived about 70 million years ago, and was an herbivore most known for its very large claws (about 20′ in length) used mainly for pulling on branches or scratching bark off trees.  There has been much debate, but most likely these claws could also be used as defense from predators, since it was most likely a very slow moving dinosaur.  It was also a very large creature, measure around 30 feet in length and about 13-16 feet tall with a 7 foot long neck.  It was prominently featured in the latest Jurassic World film, but as with all Jurassic Park and World films, it was greatly mischaracterized as a hunter and a fighter.

I chose to show the great height of the dinosaur and depicted it doing what it was probably doing most of its day, pulling down branches to eat leaves.

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Owen William Weber is a working illustrator, living in Astoria, NY. He attended Hartford Art School, graduating with a BFA in Illustration and a minor in Art History. Much of his commissioned work is based in the Fantasy genre. His personal work has evolved into mostly paintings of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. His work is primarily painted traditionally using oils on masonite.

Recently, Owen’s work has been included in such annuals as Spectrum 23 and 26, The Society of Illustrators 54, Illustration West 44 and 52, Infected By Art vol. 2-8, and the Art Renewal Center’s 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 Annual Salons. He lives with his wife, Sarah, their daughter, Dagmar, their son, Einar, and their black cat, Mim.
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